Tyra Banks Quotes

Don't save bold lashes and red lips for nighttime - do it in the day!
I love the confidence that makeup gives me.
Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It's about accepting all of yourself.
I love food and feel that it is something that should be enjoyed. I eat whatever I want. I just don't overeat.
Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that's positive and celebrate that!
Flaws are awesome - so, 'flawsome!' I love making up a word.
On 'America's Top Model,' I've always told my girls to smile with their eyes. We call it 'smizing.' Over the years, it's actually become part of pop culture. I would be walking down the street, and girls would say, 'Smize!'
Black women have always been these vixens, these animalistic erotic women. Why can't we just be the sexy American girl next door?
I wish I was harder; I wish I didn't care so much about being the nice girl all the time because a lot of the time people can take kindness for weakness, so I wish I had a little bit more 'oomph' in me.
I used to have this joke: 'Every hallway is a runway.'
I haven't seen the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre. I haven't seen anything. I don't really care.
One thing my mom used to tell me was to look to the other side, and know that my present is not going to be everything. So if I'm having a bad day, she goes, 'Just imagine tomorrow. This is going to be over. This is going to be done with.'
You've got to learn to accept the fool in you as well as the part that's got it goin' on.
You don't have to have a ring on your finger to say, 'I love you.'
It was hard to get guys to notice me, period, because I was so skinny and all my friends were curvy. Plus, I used to be very nervous in front of guys.
I'm trying to build a strong business. I want to create new stars, new shows and new products for my audience and create a legacy that outlives me. There are so many other ways I want to reach women besides doing a talk show.
I love all kinds of bread. Whenever I crave junk food, I want salty things like peanuts or potato chips.
It's so important to understand your good attendance ups your chances of graduating.
I have a big forehead, and I got made fun of all time. When I was a little girl, they used to call me 'five-head.'
Kate Upton is curvy and nervy.
Paris is one of the most beautiful places in all the world. Unfortunately, I was so homesick I couldn't appreciate its beauty.
Blue and green eyes will be so common that dark brown will become the rare and newly desired eye color.
Global warming will threaten our crops, so natural food will be scarce. Hourglass, curvy bodies will be the aspirational beauty standard, representing that those women have access to bounties of fulfilling yet healthy food, which means they are affluent.
I'm not afraid of wanting money at all. Money will give me more power to do things that are truer to my spirit than what I'm already doing.
I've always seen modeling as a stepping stone.
I am learning how to delegate and how to empower people.
I don't wake up with naturally sculpted cheekbones - I paint them on!
People always ask me if I'm going to stop modeling because I have started an acting career. I hope to continue to model for years to come.
Because beauty will be so readily accessible, and skin color and features will be similar, prejudices based on physical features will be nearly eradicated. Prejudice will be socioeconomically based.
I'm a lover of fashion websites.
I try to keep my private life kind of private.
The runway symbolizes something in society that's very intimidating to women.
I'm all about zagging when everyone else is zigging.
I talked about adopting a baby when I was 20 years old, before it became 'hip.'
I did an episode on my talk show on cellulite, and I brought seven women into a dressing room at Nordstrom's in L.A., and we all sat and talked about our cellulite.
There have been top supermodels in the past that weren't as tall as the industry demands, like fashion icon Kate Moss.
When I am full, I stop eating.
I don't know how to be sexy on a date. Put up a camera and a wind machine, and I'll give you sexy. Put me at a dinner table with some candlelight and the moon shining in and, oh, I will give you dork.
My mom never taught me to be waiting for some prince on a white horse to swipe me off my feet.
Believe it or not, I don't wake up looking like a supermodel.
When modeling agencies were saying that I was too big and gaining weight, my mom said, 'OK, we're going to discuss what they're saying over pizza, and we're going to plan the future of your career which doesn't involve you having to be skinny.'
Every woman has... self doubt.
I don't have the best self esteem; mine wavers month to month, but I know how to pick myself up.
I would love for models to be protected by a guild.
There's no excuse for rudeness.
I made my living being 20 or 30 pounds heavier than the average model. And that's where I got famous.
I was always a good student. I wasn't the A-plus student, but I studied really hard, and I probably had a 3.2. I always wished that I had the capacity to get straight A's, but I didn't. I didn't beat myself up about it, but I really studied hard for my grades.
I love Boston; it's like Paris.
I don't go to the cool, trendy restaurants. I go to either the holes in the wall or the super-fancy restaurants where there are no cool people.
I am intimidated by that eyeliner in a pot. You have to take a brush and wet it and then dip it in and get it straight. It's just a mess.
The future is in photos for social media. More and more people are not reading, so I try to attach a photo to most Tweets.
I grew up wearing a uniform to school, and now I have my stylist come to my apartment and create outfits for me to wear. Otherwise, I'd never get dressed.
Now I know that I should take better care of myself when I'm under an intense deadline, or else my body is gonna act in certain ways that are not good.
I know some women are intimidated by makeup.
We are often told we can't have brains and beauty, and I really hope that my message is that you can put on that red lip and curl your hair and put on that power dress - you don't have to sacrifice one for the other.
'Vogue' has the power to make and break - whether it's fashion trends, designers, models, and yes, even industry practices.
I have so many goals.
As I look into the future, I see radical changes in both how people 'attain beauty,' and how the world perceives beauty. In general, I believe traditional beauty will be less valuable - and more uniqueness will be heralded.
I know I'm an overachiever, and I'm not apologetic about it.
It's kind of embarrassing, but in my early 20s, I used to want to be a princess. But I didn't want to have to marry somebody in order to do it!
I was embarrassed when a businessman friend asked, 'What's the yearly budget of your talk show? What's the per-episode budget?' And I looked at him with these blank, typical-model eyes and said, 'I don't know.' I call myself a businesswoman, and I don't know that?
My fingers used to hurt really bad when I played guitar. I stopped because of it.
I was backstage in Paris and saw Cindy Crawford doing House Of Style. I thought, I would love to to be in control of my career.
I look up to Martha Stewart, and I love that she has product lines that are true extensions of her brand.
I have a lot of success and make a good living, but after while, you start going 'Why? Why are you doing all this?'
A smart model is a good model.
My mom was a medical photographer, but on the side, she did a before-and-after glam photography business in the house. She would do makeup and hair - and I was her assistant.
I don't believe in diets.
I'm obsessed with the theme parks and themed restaurants, I love it!
When I think about moguls, I think like Donald Trump who... owns NYC practically. That's a mogul. I feel like I'm on my way to a lot more, but mogul is a really serious thing. I think it's a word that gets thrown around easily.
I created 'America's Next Top Model' one-hundred percent. I was in my kitchen making tea one morning, and I looked out the window, and the idea popped into my head. I wanted it to be 'American Idol' meets 'Ford Supermodel of the Year' meets 'The Real World.'
My natural hair texture is very kinky.
I don't think I'll always be on television.
When I was a young girl, I lost a lot of weight over one summer - involuntarily - and was just really depressed and sad. There was nothing I could do to gain weight. I would look in the mirror and call myself disgusting every day.
I tend to hang out with my friends in Los Angeles from high school. We know each other from back in the day. They still see me as just dumb Tyra. We have a strong bond.
Homelessness is an issue close to my heart.
What keeps me up at night? Sometimes it's day-to-day work stuff. And a lot of the times, it's, 'Am I making the wrong decisions in terms of reaching young women?'
My freshman year, I ran for student class president and lost. The next year, I ran for student class vice president, and I won.
I would love to do Rihanna's makeup. I love her cupid's bow!
Models now need to promote themselves, think like businesswomen and diversify their careers by doing other things. Chances are very slim that a mere model will become a household name today.
My aunt used to call me light bulb head because my head is small at the bottom and bigger at the top. But it was a term of endearment.
By no means am I trying to change the modeling industry.
I used to love writing in my journal.
I would not recommend a teen getting into modeling if they're not solid when it comes to their grades and school. That comes first. My mother always told me that came first.
I have a poverty demon. I'll ask my accountant if I can afford something, and he'll say, 'What are you talking about?'
I don't have that 'OMG, I gotta get married' thing! If it happens, it happens, but it's never been like, 'Oooo, I need to do that!'
I'm not sure exactly how gossiping about my life with my audience really helps them.
I'm a perfectionist. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's okay if there are flaws here and there.
I used to want to write commercials as a kid.
I went through an obsession with eyebrows. I used to paint my eyebrows really, really strong. I look back now, and some were a little bit strong.
I'm not led by money, because if that's the case, I can throw my name on everything and have a million-dollar company.
One of the big, most underlying messages for me is celebrating beauty that is not typical.
I know the pain of somebody who's too thin and the pain of somebody that people say is too big.
Michelle Obama, you're one hot mama.
I enjoy doing fashion shows and transforming myself into different looks for photo shoots.
I'm a big fan of Lady Gaga.
I'm not in a position to tell heavy people anything.
I really want to leave something behind that means something when I'm no longer here.
When I went to Paris after graduating high school, I saw a model who was 12 years old without any supervision. That wouldn't happen in the acting world.
With the whole supermodel thing, even when you're not really modeling anymore, people still call me that. And I'm like '... retired.'