Chrissy Teigen Quotes

St. Tropez has a face glow that is amazing - you can put it on without makeup, and your skin just glows.
I feel badly for those girls who have to be so waif thin, doing those catwalks all the time because, luckily, we're going into a different time - that's what they're saying, at least - in we're appreciating a curvier figure. But to be honest, I couldn't be like an hourglass if I tried.
'Sports Illustrated' does extremely minimal retouching. Other publications, however... phew. They do a lot; I've watched myself be Photoshopped before. It. Is. The. Worst.
Food is really important to me.
I've always enjoyed things a little more chaotic than most people would prefer. I feel that I run well in chaos.
Blogs are evil. Actually, the blogs aren't as evil as blog comments.
I'm not good at taking pictures. I can't give a good face. I crack up.
I can cook really complicated recipes, but it takes a real talent to do the perfect egg.
I lick the cheese off Doritos and put them back in the bag. I will eat pretty much anything as long as it's salty. Or sweet. Or spicy.
My biggest goal in life is to not be annoying about being a bride.
I did not grow up with a spatula in my hand. I didn't even cook that much in high school. I was busy being a teenager and doing everything that goes along with that.
I love Thai boat noodles: They are kind of like pho, but with a very hearty broth. I will make the broth and just do no noodles and more bean sprouts. I need to be able to eat what I want to eat, so I just get rid of as many carbs as possible that go into it.
No election is ever just about one issue, but I care a lot about women's rights and making sure parents have what they need to raise healthy kids. I always have cared, but having just had a child, I know how serious it is to be a mother. It's an incredibly huge challenge. You need support. You need resources.
Seaweed sheets are my go-to for my salty chip cravings, especially wasabi flavored ones.
I can't swim, and I actually hate sand.
A supermodel is kind of that first-name recognition, but I'm not quite ready for that super part yet, and I'm afraid that by the time I am, I'm going to be too old anyway.
I tweet from bed. I love it because it's so quick. And it's funny. But it also leaves a lot of room for error because new people don't sense the sarcasm - there's no sarcasm font.
I love sashimi, mainly tuna sashimi. I will buy six pieces or so a day and just snack on them. Sometimes I wrap them up in my mini seaweed sheets.
I've always been kind of uncomfortable just on the beach in a swimsuit. I'm never my most confident in a bikini on the beach, especially when you know people are looking at you, and they expect one thing because of what they see in the magazines, and you might not look that way. It's always been a scary thing for me.
I love being at home and creating in the kitchen.
I am huge on bold, strong flavors, and I think every aspect of a dish should be thoughtful, whether it's the chicken on top of a Cobb salad or the topping on a savory casserole.
My tolerance for tears is very little when you're beautiful and crying over nothing.
I remember making my own dog food and feeling very fulfilled by it, then by day four I was over it.
There was once this viral photo of the Pope doing his Pope-mobile parade, and everyone had their phones up. But there was this one old woman looking over the fence so beautifully at him. She was totally in the moment. For me, then, I think there shouldn't be any phones at a Pope-mobile situation - or at a Beyonce concert.
I really do love social media. I've always been crazy about - even like, remember AOL chat rooms? I always loved message boards, and I was always interacting on the computer.
I've noticed that maybe my skin isn't as soft as it used to be when I was a younger. It's just not there anymore. I travel so much, and my skin gets so dry.
It's funny because I want my teeth to be, like, neon 'Real Housewives' white, but mine have stopped taking to teeth whitening. When I talk to my dentist, I'm like, 'They can be that white,' and he's like, 'Veneers can be that white.'
I don't like karaoke. But maybe that's why I'm so perfect for 'Lip Sync Battle,' because I get to still hear the song I love and watch the performances that I love without having to hear someone sing.
I love portobello mushrooms. I often say that if I were vegetarian, I would live off of these. Now, it would never happen, but it's still nice to know that they exist. So meaty, so flavorful.
The kitchen is a place I know well. It's my favorite room wherever I am living, and it has to be completely open and social.
I tend to treat everyone like equals. That is my downfall, though, because Oprah is Oprah, and Barack is Barack, and you've gotta come in with a certain level of respect and admiration and love while still having that respect. Look at them - these people are, at this point, royalty. I think I get a little too chummy.
I know how I like my food. I like it spicy, salty, sticky, crunchy, juicy, oozy - basically any dish you know and love, jacked up to a bordering-on-socially-unacceptable amount of flavor.
I have to have breakfast, and breakfast has to be eggs, whether in omelet form, hard-boiled, or over-easy.
I'm the farthest thing from a foodie or a food snob. Those people terrify me.
Some people, I think, think that because I don't take it as seriously as a lot of the girls do, that I frown upon modeling or think it's stupid. I don't at all. This is my life. I would be nothing without this. But I really don't take it seriously.
I was more active pregnant than I ever was not pregnant. I was doing Body By Simone five days a week. That definitely helped me shed the weight after giving birth. But it's all smoke and mirrors, too. People on Instagram forget that you're showing them what you want them to see. We have filters.
I love meat and vegetables. If I did a diet, I would do Paleo, except they have no cheese, which is very upsetting. I'm going to start my own Chrissy diet that's like Paleo plus cheese. Plus late Saturday night drive-through.
I act much younger than I am.
Garlic oil is one of my favorite things on the planet. You can roast 20 cloves of garlic in oil and use it in everything - you can even slide those soft whole cloves into a dish of hot mashed potatoes.
My mom really let us do our own thing and play with different trends, and my sister was a little older, so she had all the beauty tricks. I would stuff things like rolled-up toilet paper into my hair to get volume, or do the reverse, and I'd lie on my back, and she'd use an actual iron to straighten it.
My mother's from Thailand, and they're very strict about girls in bikinis, but I would love to do a shoot in the floating market in Thailand.
I love green juices - the ones that include lots of actual greens and don't include too much apple. Because those are just meant to be yummy, and we all know things that are too yummy aren't the best for us, unfortunately.
I'm not an athlete dater, really. I would get too jealous. They're really gone all the time. Different hotel rooms.
My favorite fall meal has to be a simple roasted chicken. Ina Garten does a fabulous one. There is just something about roasting your own chicken and vegetables that screams 'fall' and 'home' to me.
I don't like trainers, because we distract each other. We talk too much, and I get too friendly. I prefer classes instead. I love Physique 57.
So many models have cool boyfriends.
I love dress shopping, and I love talking about the wedding food. That's what makes me happy.
I love eating sushi and eating raw and clean - no pasta and bread. Low carbs is what works for me.
People are still under the misguided impression that models don't eat. Not sure about the other girls, but I do!
I've tweeted incessantly about Nintendo and my love for Nintendo for a long time.
Dieting is becoming easier and easier for me because I'm finding out things that I love.
Bachelor parties are for the married guys.
My beauty tricks revolve around eyes. For the early morning shoots, I pop eye pads in the freezer the night before, and when I take them out in the morning they are already cold and active and are great under my eyes. I keep my eye pads right next to my red velvet Ben & Jerry's in the freezer.
I'm not an inspirational quote kind of person.
I'm very neurotic about shaving. I shave first thing in the morning before a shoot, and if I have dinner that night, I have to shave again.
I always get to eat what I want because if I don't, I go insane.
My spray-tan woman is amazing. She comes to my house at 10 o'clock the night before a shoot. The results are so brown, flawless, and natural. It's just weird because my natural skin color is very white, almost whitish yellow.
I would not like to try any high stress job. Honestly, I wouldn't like something like a PR job. I can't diffuse situations.
I think of Kate Moss whenever I think of someone who did the bridesmaid thing right. They were all in different dresses, and I love neutrals. But it's so hard to pull that together. You almost need a stylist for it.
I hate the word 'moist.'
I'm much nicer in person than on Twitter.
If I'm going to eat fast food, I'm going to McDonald's. I don't need to pretend.
When I wake up, I'm like, 'I gotta go to Whole Foods.' I'm constantly reading cookbooks; I bring hardcover cookbooks with me on the plane and tag pages. I just have this crazy food obsession.
I think, like, Twitter is somewhat difficult sometimes, and it can be kind of negative.
Men are very tough, very critical of me. I think they expect you to basically just be a picture. They don't want to hear you speak.
I have a little half-Asian butt, and the more I work out, the more I try to get it bigger, it's just going to get flatter and harder.
Women, I love. It's amazing to me, because I am a swimsuit model; I'm half-naked. I just love the fact that women love me, and it makes me love them so much back.
I always get so excited when I get to go to my friends at corporate offices. I am always, like, looking around. I think that's really exciting to be a part of an actual corporate office.
That's one thing I get neurotic about: I need my soup to be crazy hot.
It's so funny because my mom is Thai and my dad is this big American guy - and our food tastes were so similar growing up. He was meat and potatoes, I was meat and potatoes.
My shoots are very much about skin, so I'm an exfoliating and moisturizing nut. I fly so much, so I take my makeup off as soon as I get on the airplane. I look at my watch every half hour and moisturize.
I love dress shopping, and I love talking about the wedding food. That's what makes me happy. If you tell me to do a guest list, I cry. I hate it.
I drink a ton of water. And I never go to bed too full.
I feel like part of me will die when John Goodman dies.
I would love four children because I have a very small family, so I want those big Thanksgiving dinners.
When we do 'Sports Illustrated,' it starts the night before. You do a St. Tropez tan that night, then baby oil gel, then body color.
Just being a model, you're not supposed to speak ever, really.
I have to have breakfast, and breakfast has to be eggs!
I am paid a good amount of money to not blink for 12 hours. It's fun, but I don't take it very seriously.
I go out of my way to try not to be too annoying... my biggest goal in life is to not be annoying about being a bride.
Marriage was never my goal, because I've never been very traditional.
If you're going to choose to do something like the Paleo Diet, then you choose not to enjoy your nights out.
I always thought the name of my first book would be 'The Insecure Chef,' because when I started cooking, I was so nervous.
I think I'll probably be pregnant all through my 30s. I've always pictured everyone around the table for the holidays and together once a week. It'll be heartbreaking if it doesn't end up happening, but hopefully it will. We've got some embryos on hold.
I'm only four weeks out from birth, so I still have a couple more weeks before I can work out - which is fine with me. I love the feeling of working out, but I've never been a gym rat, ever, so now, it's all about taking in what I can if it's good for the baby, because it all translates to her in a way.
I'll come in from a long flight and go straight to the grocery store. I love cooking for my man.
Not only am I having a girl, but I picked the girl from her little embryo.
I work out every day. I still feel fit and energetic. In a way, I'm healthier now that I'm pregnant.
I regret things all the time. I've never regretted not saying something. I've only regretted saying something.
Everyone thinks that I have an Instagram account for my dog, but I did not make that. It's a fan!
There's a green room at the Oscars. It's really small, very warm, and it's really fun because you get to see everyone just lounging on couches. It's right before you go out to present, so it's everyone in there. And then they have this crudite section, and cheeses and crackers.
I know when I was little, having my Thai mom, even I was weird about fish sauce and fish heads and clams. I kind of sided with my dad because he was a big American guy. So, we were very meat and potatoes, but I really wish I had grown up appreciating my mom's taste a bit more.
If you put pesto in a squeeze bottle or just at the end of a spoon and drizzle it, it looks so much better. It's the little things. Plating is actually easy once you learn the little tips.
People think I'm consuming all the time, based on my Instagram feed, but I know how to eat and how to pair. I might post the heaviest osso bucco of all time, but I'm not showing the carrots I'm having on the side rather than having a whole other big dish of something.
There is something very beautiful about being pregnant. I think I enjoy being pregnant more than not being pregnant. I know it could go either way, and the next pregnancy could be the complete opposite.
I'm weird about fruity desserts like lemony, acidic, zesty... I don't like lemon things and orange things, really.
Models eat. They're crazy about moderation, but they eat.
My big pet peeve with people posting food - and I love it when people post food - but my number one thing is when you're posting at a restaurant, and it's dark, like a date night, food never looks good. Flash looks horrible, no flash looks horrible. It's important to only do food photos during daylight - and it's all about color with Instagram.
I like serving family-style or setting up a buffet. Everyone just goes to town, scoops their own food, and mixes their own drinks. You know how people love to come and watch you in the kitchen now and talk your ear off? If you give them something to do and something to drink, they don't do that as much.
I always wanted to be a teacher or wanted to do something with food. But modeling, I just never thought I could do it myself, really, ever. I still have trouble calling myself a model. I just never thought I was tall enough or skinny enough.