Kylie Jenner Quotes

Every time I get my makeup professionally done, I take a photo.
I don't really wear perfume. I use Victoria's Secret sometimes. They have this Coconut Passion spray. But fragrances can give me a bit of a headache.
I just want to inspire my fans to be whoever they want to be, because that's what I've always done.
If I'm going to see people, I won't wear heavy makeup. It's not attractive on me. When you see those pictures on my Instagram, they are usually for when I'm doing a photo shoot or an interview.
Every time I start to get worked up over something, I just think to myself, 'Is this really going to matter in my life tomorrow, in an hour, in a year?' You just can't get stressed about the little things 'cause it's just not worth it at the end of the day.
If you're different, or if you think something about you is just weird and out of the ordinary, I just think that's so dope.
It sucks being judged by the world instead of your close friends or family. I try to just realise that the only people who matter are my family and friends.
I change my style maybe every month. I'm, like, punk one month, ghetto fab the next, classy the next. I'm just young and finding out who I am.
I've realized through the years that I just find happiness in other things, whether it's my dogs or my friends or, like, looking at the sunset. So if I were to wish for something else, it would just to be happy all the time, to have a superpower of not letting things affect me, and to be true to who I am, always.
What I think is so amazing about having everything, and feeling like I have everything, is that I don't really find happiness within materialistic things. Like, it's cool if I can buy myself a new car, and I think it's amazing for a week, but then the thrill is over, and I'm like, 'Oh, so I guess that wasn't really happiness.'
My fans and followers are so amazing.
I love Armani Face Fabric, Make Up For Ever HD, Rodial Skin Tint and Charlotte Tilbury.
I feel limited in some ways because I have such young fans. But I'm okay with that; I do everything I want to do.
I swear there are things you can do to work on problem areas without having to think about plastic surgery.
I know how influential I am over my fans and followers. I feel like everything I do, my hair color, my makeup, I always start these huge trends, and I don't even realize what I'm capable of.
I don't really follow trends - I don't like wearing what other people are wearing. I just like to be original!
The more people love you, the more there's going to be people that hate you.
I'm scared of the day I turn 19. I really don't want to grow past 18.
I'm not materialistic. I love clothes and all that stuff, but I don't need it to live.
Lips are kind of like my thing, and I've always been obsessed with lipstick and lip liner. I just always went to lip liner to overline my lips, and I feel like I was really known for that. I can't walk out of my house without my lipstick!
I really like the Glycolic Cleansing Pads because they're super easy. Sometimes it's annoying to scrub your face with your hands, but these are just little pads, so I like that. I also really like the Kale Fix Moisturizer and Dragon's Blood Fix Serum. The Dragon's Blood is good for priming before your makeup.
I definitely don't make many friends. It's my choice; I just have a wall. It's not that I have anything against anyone.
I've been bullied my whole life, whether it was about my peers or comments on Instagram or Twitter, whatever. And I never talked about my story, really. I feel like I've kind of accepted it because I realized that just comes with the territory.
When I'm, like, 30, I want to go off the map, have a family and live in Malibu with a farm, and just raise my own chickens.
I have a lot of boots. I'm a shoe person for sure.
I take, like, 500 selfies to get one I like.
Tyga's one of my best friends ever, so it's so much fun to travel with him. I always like having my friends out on the road with me.
I love to dance, so I'm definitely always the first one out on the dance floor. And when it comes to guys, I don't get shy. So if I wasn't with a date, I wouldn't have a problem going up to a guy and just saying, 'Are you gonna dance with me?' Trust me, it'll work for you too! Guys like it when you aren't afraid to make the first move.
I'm young, and I'm a girl, so, when I post something, I want to see what people are saying or what they think of my photos. I've found it better if you don't read anything and you just always stay off that track.
I honestly hate wearing makeup.
I like to have fun, I'm silly, and I keep the mood light.
I feel like I've lost so many amazing traits because I've listened to stupid people, ignorant people who are bullies.
People have to be sensitive to - I hate using the word 'celebrities' - people in the spotlight. Because there's so much more than what you see on the cover of a magazine.
Honestly, what I think set everything off is when I cut my hair off when I was 16 and dyed it blue. After that, I just felt so free and wanted to experiment with my look.
Having sisters is the best. I have a different relationship with each of them. I go to Kim for fashion advice, Khloe is always boy and family advice, and Kourtney is like another mother to me.
There are new rumors about me every day.
I don't want to be a bad role model.
I like lip liners over lipsticks. I have so many of them from so many different brands, so I just pick the color that works.
There is absolutely a side of me that people don't know. I'm not myself on Snapchat or Instagram. That's totally not me.
I still feel insecure all the time. I feel like it's just a part of being a human being... I just learned normal is very boring.
People think they have a perfect idea of who you are from a four-second Snapchat video... and fake blogs, stories, magazine covers. In reality, that's not the case. Nobody knows who I am except family and my close friends.
I'm way flashier on Instagram and Snapchat because I feel like that's what people want to see, and that's I've always done, so I'm not going to stop. People want to see my cars and my purses. People love fashion. But that's so not me.
I can't have brown hair for some reason. I don't think it goes with my skin tone. The second I see it turn brown in the sun, I dye it black - the blacker the better.
Working with some of the best makeup artists has taught me a lot of amazing tricks to making me feel more confident, and I can't wait to share them with you guys.
I feel like I'm way too young to wear such heavy makeup all the time. It's just bad for your skin, but I'm always doing photo shoots or red carpets and events, so I obviously want to look good.
I have two really great best friends that are the only people I hang out with. I keep a close circle.
People flash back to pictures of me when I was 12 and say 'Kylie's so different,' but how can I look the same from 12 -18?
I'm always down to share my secrets, share my beauty tips. Most of the stuff my fans never knew I get from CVS and stores like that. It's fun sharing all the stuff that I use! I don't use crazy stuff. There's always ways to do it for less.
Khloe has the youngest hands. You can tell a woman's age by her hands, and she taught me that. She has way younger hands than I do because she's addicted to wearing sunscreen on them. I'm not consistent with it, but maybe that will be my new year's resolution.
I still do Juvederm for my lips. I go to Dr. Ourian in Beverly Hills. He's the best, and he's super natural about it.
I wanted a house near my family in a quiet neighborhood with a front yard and a backyard that my dog will like.
I have normal friends. I sit at my house, and they practically live with me, and I watch them get ready to go to a high school party, hang out with their friends, go to concerts.
I can't sleep in my makeup. Sometimes I'll be really lazy and try to not think about it and just fall asleep, but I have to take it off and as soon as possible. Sometimes it'll be quick.
I don't want my fans to think they have to get lip fillers or look like me in any way.
I'm still in school - I'm home-schooled. I do school every day. I finish in, like, four months.
I follow all these fashion blogs that are cool and inspire me. I'm not really obsessed with anyone except for the people that I like romantically. I get excited when they post. Sometimes I like to stalk my exes.
I've been picked on my whole entire life, and I feel like I started the IAmMoreThan campaign on Instagram to try to find other people who have been bullied and totally overcame it and did something amazing with it.
I wake up every morning with the worst anxiety. I don't know why. I have, like, a problem.
I wake up every morning at, like, seven or eight because I think that there's a bad story about me, and I have to check. My worst fear is waking up and finding something bad about me on the Internet.
I'm ready to live on my own. It's a really big step, but I'm ready.
I want to explore a lot of things, do acting here and there.
I love L.A. I'm such an L.A. person.
Makeup looks better if your skin is not dry. And sometimes, if my skin peels, then it's all just bad. Basically, take care of your skin to make your makeup look nice.
I think that other girls and boys my age will maybe see that I'm so accepting and be accepting of other people, too.
I'm a brand ambassador. I've been a fan of Nip+Fab for a while, so it fit perfectly. I just love their stuff.
I will take off my makeup with wipes and then wash my face again. Then, I use a toner, moisturizer, and under-eye cream. I love vitamin E oil and coconut oil.
I never feel pressure to be a good role model. I always try to do my best to inspire people to be good and do the right thing, but I just can't live my life always trying to be a good role model.
Having a reality TV show, everyone feels like they know you, but that's only 10% of my life. There's a whole other side of me that people don't see.
Everyone asks, 'What's your favorite trend?' And I never answer that.
I'll usually wash my face with a face wash, then I'll go to my makeup. I like to use Nip + Fab Dragon's Blood Fix Serum. It's moisturizing and also a great primer for your makeup. And, I try to use sunscreen every day.
I feel like, growing up, I haven't had a lot of room for error - I don't have room to make mistakes. You need to make mistakes to grow and learn, but I'm just a little different because the world is watching me, every single thing I do.
Since I was 9 years old, I've been in the entertainment business, and everyone is always telling me what - and what not - to do... you just get a tough skin and have to not care about what people think, or you will not end up in a good place.
I definitely think prom should feel sophisticated. I'm not really into cutouts and all that. I would go for a more simple look - maybe a dark-colored dress and a red lip and long wavy hair; and for nails, a French tip is always classic and cute!
I don't think I need a significant other to be happy because I always like to find that for myself, but I think that it makes me a lot happier when I'm sharing my life with somebody.