Wilson Mizner Quotes

Born On
1876-05-19Died On
1933-04-03Birth Place
BeniciaDeath Place
Los AngelesBirth Sign
AmericanWe all know about Wilson Mizner as the famous American dramatist and storyteller, but this brilliantly witty writer was also a professional boxer. He used to often hang out with fellow bruisers at local bars. Mizner was spending one such evening at a pub in San Francisco with a group of pugilists, which included a middleweight fighter known as ‘Mysterious’ Billy Smith.
In the course of the evening, Wilson challenged several dockworkers at the bar to fight duels with him. The playwright emerged victorious against all but one worker. This particular longshoreman stood upright and unflinching, despite all those blows that Mizner constantly rained upon him. The writer had almost given up in dejection, thinking he’d lost the strength he took so much pride in, when Billy Smith stopped Mizner in his tracks. Smith shouted, “Leave him alone, Wilson! I knocked him out five minutes ago.” It turned out that ‘Mysterious Billy Smith had indeed fought the dockworker, not only making the latter lose consciousness, but also shoving the poor man between two pieces of furniture. What a disappointment that must have been for Mr. Mizner!