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Thomas Hobbes Quotes

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Thomas Hobbes Sr.
Hertford College, Oxford (1603-1608), Malmesbury School

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.

Thomas Hobbes

In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.

Thomas Hobbes

Science is the knowledge of consequences, and dependence of one fact upon another.

Thomas Hobbes

A man cannot lay down the right of resisting them that assault him by force, to take away his life.

Thomas Hobbes

Leisure is the Mother of Philosophy.

Thomas Hobbes

All generous minds have a horror of what are commonly called "Facts". They are the brute beasts of the intellectual domain.

Thomas Hobbes

A man's conscience and his judgment is the same thing; and as the judgment, so also the conscience, may be erroneous.

Thomas Hobbes

Understanding is nothing else than conception caused by speech.

Thomas Hobbes

The secret thoughts of a man run over all things, holy, profane, clean, obscene, grave, and light, without shame or blame.

Thomas Hobbes

Words are wise men's counters, they do but reckon with them, but they are the money of fools.

Thomas Hobbes

Now I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark.

Thomas Hobbes

The privilege of absurdity; to which no living creature is subject, but man only.

Thomas Hobbes

The right of nature... is the liberty each man hath to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life.

Thomas Hobbes

The condition of man... is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.

Thomas Hobbes

Such truth, as opposeth no man's profit, nor pleasure, is to all men welcome.

Thomas Hobbes

They that approve a private opinion, call it opinion; but they that dislike it, heresy; and yet heresy signifies no more than private opinion.

Thomas Hobbes