Roger Moore Quotes

Teach love, generosity, good manners and some of that will drift from the classroom to the home and who knows, the children will be educating the parents.
I've learnt that through life you just get on with it. You're going to meet a lot of dishonest people along the line and you say good luck to them. I hope they live in comfort. Then I start sticking more pins in their effigies.
It's easy to sit in relative luxury and peace and pontificate on the subject of the Third World debts.
You can either grow old gracefully or begrudgingly. I chose both.
My acting range has always been something between the two extremes of 'raises left eyebrow' and 'raises right eyebrow.'
You can't be a real spy and have everybody in the world know who you are and what your drink is. That's just hysterically funny.
My father believed in toughness, honesty, politeness and being on time. All very important lessons.
Bond was escapism, but not meant to be imitated in real life.
Everybody seems to live rather well down here in Monaco!
Oh yes, I love gadgets.
Of course I am frustrated with regard to extreme poverty, to violence that never seems to cease.
Of course I do not regret the Bond days, I regret that sadly heroes in general are depicted with guns in their hands, and to tell the truth I have always hated guns and what they represent.
There is nothing glamorous about death.
I believe it is better to be prepared for illness than to wait for a cure.
I am a mixture of idealist and realist.
No, I'm not at all adventurous. I'm terribly cowardly.
We also have favourite place in France, called Charlot Premier in Nice, which does excellent oysters.
Peter Sellers was a solitary character, always preferring to hide behind a mask, and consequently, you never really got to know the real Sellers.
'Skyfall' was marvellous, the best Bond film ever made.
I never stopped working.
Sometimes I've had to put myself on a diet.
Tony and I had a good on and off screen relationship, we are two very different people, but we did share a sense of humor, we now live in different parts of the world but when we find ourselves in the same place it is more or less as if there had been no years in between.
My attitude about death is, going into the next room, and it's a room that the rest of us can't get into because we don't have the key. But when we do get the key, we'll go in there, and we'll see one another again, in some shape or form or whatever. It's not the end.
The knighthood for my humanitarian work meant more than if it had been for my acting.
Not many of us are willing to give up everything we have.
I said I did not know enough about UNICEF to handle a press conference and she said they would not want to talk about it they would only want to talk about films.
It's wonderful to travel with somebody that you love and we never travel anywhere without one another.
Creating a character on or off the stage is an escape.
During my early acting years, I was told that to succeed, you needed personality, talent, and luck in equal measure. I contest that. For me, it's been 99% luck.
When I went to Hollywood, I had to work out in a gym. The idea was that I should look like Daniel Craig, though they hadn't even met him at that point.
Working with UNICEF made me grow up and recognize how fortunate I am.
I replaced Jim Garner in 'Maverick.' I replaced George Sanders in 'The Saint.' I've replaced everybody.
Sammy Davis Jr. was a real movie buff who loved nothing better than being around a film studio - whether he was working or not.
My James Bond wasn't any different to my Saint or my Persuaders or anything else I've done. I've just made everything that I play look like me and sound like me.
I was considered chubby as a teen.
I've been married four times and caused a great deal of hurt and upset around me.
The fact of the matter is that most actors are shy people.
I nearly died of double bronchial pneumonia at the age of five.
I'm a little devil.
Bond has afforded me a great personal passport, which I use for UNICEF.
Some are blessed with musical ability, others with good looks. Myself, I was blessed with modesty.
When I played Ivanhoe, kids used to come along and kick me because they thought I wore armour under my clothes. When I was Maverick, I was accepted as a cowboy. And in 'The Persuaders,' I became Lord Brett Sinclair. In other words, I am what I am for as long as I am.
Selling your country's secrets is always wrong.
I never really absorbed myself in a role like some actors do.
I've not done badly for a boy from Stockwell, where I used to gaze at the silver screen in wonderment, little realising I'd be a part of this magical world.
I had prostate cancer. It was rather painful and, in many ways, life-changing.
If you don't have humour, then you may as well nail the coffin lid down now.
I loved my mother and father.
I enjoy tennis, though don't play very often nowadays, and skiing... oh yes and swimming.
Maybe come to think about it, that is the sign of an extrovert, in any event I have always from the earliest of ages found it difficult to wander into a restaurant on my own.
I have to be an optimist and say that it might get better.
I was born in London, so going there is always a treat.
Many take the roles home with them and live the part. I'm quite happy to leave mine at the studio and return home as I left: simple old Roger Moore.
Kristina has been to the Maldives but never to Venice, and I have been to Venice but never to the Maldives.
I think arriving at or departing from any airport in America is just horrendous these days.
Lana Turner taught me how to kiss on the set of the movie 'Diane' in the early Fifties.
I enjoy being a highly overpaid actor.
I don't like bungee jumping, but I do like skiing.
I do not have time to sit down and regret anything although sometimes I wish I had been able to see more of my parents while they were alive and have done more for them.
A lot of my reading over the next few months will be the works of Hans Christian Andersen - I have been appointed an ambassador for the bicentenary celebrations of his birth next year.
Over the next two years UNICEF will focus on improving access to and the quality of education to provide children who have dropped out of school or who work during school hours the opportunity to gain a formal education!
I'm sorry to say that no, I do not play the piano.
I'm the worst Bond, according to the internet. Generally hated!
Wait until the baby is born before you start criticising it, I say!
I didn't learn the alphabet until I was 11.
I must admit that I was in total awe of Stewart Granger. He was my idol.
I never liked guns, I hate them, I always blink before they go off.
I never thought I was much of an actor anyway.
I speak relatively little, except when I'm at home and I'm asking for things.
Whenever I'm asked who my favourite co-star is, I always hesitate in giving an answer.
It's very tempting to over-eat all the bad things when you're on a film set.
The wonderful thing about age is that your knees don't work as well, you can't run down steps quite as easily and obviously you can't lift heavy weights. But your mind doesn't feel any different.
Not only am I a spender, I have had a couple of business people in the past who have been spending my money quite happily.
To be associated with success is absolutely wonderful.
People are always reading things into the films.
I was not born with tremendous ambition.
I would love to be remembered as one of the greatest Lears or Hamlets.
I'm very lucky.
We all have a responsibility in life to do what we can to help those less fortunate.
I'm used to bad reviews.
My iPhone has become rather precious because of all my music on it; every night, we set it for 20 minutes before we fall asleep to listen to some Mozart.
I was so pretty, actresses didn't want to work with me.
I was probably a little bit overweight as a child, being passionate about baked beans on toast and Cadbury's milk chocolate when I could get it.
Without doubt, you are recognized for the last role you played.
I was an only child and I wasn't going to share anything with anybody.
I'm proud to be British.
Some of the things I've done in my life I'm ashamed of.
I don't think I've ever made any good financial decisions.
Being eternally known as Bond has no downside.
It's no good being talented and not being in the right place at the right time.
I play one role until I take on another, which is exactly what a professional actor should do.
It's no good being the best actor in the world if nobody sees you because you didn't happen to be there at the right day when a part was being cast.
Bond may be a very international, cosmopolitan kind of character, but underneath it all, he is essentially British.
Bond is fantasy.
I wouldn't like to meet Daniel Craig on a dark night if I'd said anything bad about him.
What was good about 'Moonraker' was that we had Jaws back, because after 'The Spy Who Loved Me,' he became a well-loved villain.
I personally didn't like the idea of Bond in space.
I just want to be remembered as somebody who paid his debts.
I'd occasionally do some exercises at home, but I never cared for gyms.
Showbusiness is such a mad profession, I find commerce a wonderful outlet for keeping me sane.