Moon Quotes
The Moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite and the fifth largest in the Solar system. But yes, we don’t want to get bored reading the same old facts, do we? How about something as interesting as the fact that the moon has no atmosphere! Apparently, there are only 12 people that have ever visited in the moon and interestingly, it is believed that there is a great chance that they must have left their footmarks, as there is no wind on the moon. There was a common myth that probably many of us believed in during our younger days, that the moon had a darker side. On a lighter note, a journey to the moon is something people who want to shed their flab would probably look forward to, since the weight of a person would reduce to 18.26 kg on the moon, due to less gravity. On the other side, it is fascinating to know that the gravity of the moon causes high and low tides. According to a survey conducted in the year 1998, approximately 13% of the people surveyed, believed the moon to be made up of cheese. The moon is probably the most written and sung about the object in the world. The moon also holds a great significance in astrology and spirituality. It denotes our inner mind or the subconscious mind. With these celestial famous quotes, learn more about the moon!