Mathematics Quotes
Did you know that crime is being fought using mathematics as one of the tools? Well, you literally need math everywhere! We should probably say that mathematics has been used for studying all kinds of matter. For example, investigative math is being used by police officers in traffic accidents by using measurements and angles to calculate speed and distance traveled. In the same way, investigators need to be familiar with weights and measures to know the amount of drugs seized and to determine the severity of the offense.
Mathematics also has some significant intellectual values. It increases the mental alertness of a person and strengthens his reasoning ability. It also helps a person increase his accuracy and makes him more attentive. According to surveys, 4 out of 10 people in the US hate ‘Math’, as they call it. Probably because of the complexity involved in solving equations. It would be interesting to know that the world's most favorite search engine, 'Google', got its name from a mathematical word 'googol', which is equivalent to 10 raised to the power of 100. Interesting isn’t it? So, don’t stop reading! Go on to the famous offense quotes and sayings!