Martin Luther Quotes

Born On
1483-11-10Died On
1546-02-18Birth Place
Eisleben, GermanyBirth Sign
GermanThere’s one incident that shaped German Protestant theologian and reformer, Martin Luther’s future as a man of religion. Sometime after he began pursuing law at the University of Erfurt, the young Martin was stuck in a violent thunderstorm, on his way back from his parents’ house. The moment lightning struck close to him, he exclaimed, “St. Anne help me! I will become a monk.” Later, the young man, true to his word, joined the Black Monastery in Erfurt, in order to become a monk, much to his father’s frustration and disappointment.
The same Martin Luther was known for having outbursts of anger. A perfect example of his rage and sarcasm is the time when a younger philosopher kept asking Luther where God was all the while before the world came into existence. The famous scholar retorted, “He was building hell for such presumptuous, fluttering, and inquisitive spirits as you are.” To another student, who had a similar question as to what God had been doing before he went ahead and created the world, Dr. Luther snapped, “He sat under a birch tree cutting rods for those who ask nosy questions.” On yet another occasion, he was quite perturbed by the calm demeanor of his virtuous friend, Philipp Melanchthon and shouted at him, “For goodness’ sake, why don’t you go and sin a little? Doesn’t God deserve to have something to forgive you for!”