Kimberly Guilfoyle Quotes

My most defining moment was the death of my mother.
Often when I'm trying to make tough decisions, I rely on the lessons my father taught me and ask myself, 'What Would Tony Say?'
I've tried to live my life in a way that respects the beliefs of my mother and father. Everyone has blessings, gifts, passion, and drive.
The key lesson for me: Don't make this life about you. It's about other people.
If you put your mind to it, anything is possible.
Nobody is going to believe what you're saying if you don't believe it yourself.
Work hard. Through determination and self-focus and discipline, you can accomplish anything.
I grew up in the Mission District in San Francisco, which was largely Hispanic at the time. I was raised in a household that was really welcoming to diversity and encouraging about different people's viewpoints and ideas and backgrounds.
I come from a strong woman who believed - and my father believed - that anything a man could do, a woman could do better.
I am a strong woman. I come from a background as a prosecutor.
My mother, oddly enough, really wanted to pursue a career in law, but at the time, she had children and was working as a teacher.
Bella is my little dog. She's an imperial Shih Tzu. She's a little cotton ball with flecks of gold. She's super, super cute, and she eats like she's a Rottweiler.
Come prepared because you don't want to dilute the votes out there because you are uninformed and you're spoon-fed something that's inaccurate, or you don't even bother to equip yourself with the facts - anybody out there, this goes for everyone.
I've always had an interest in broadcast journalism and the law. So it's nice that I can combine the two.
Can I just make a special request in the magic lamp? Can we get, like, Netanyahu or, like, Putin in for 48 hours, you know, head of the United States?
I believe in people. Human beings, deep down, are essentially good. Any jury can filter through whatever bull might be thrown their way and use common sense to get to the truth of a case. Juries make the right decisions, almost unfailingly, because people know right from wrong.
Nobody was like, 'Kimberly, we're going to let you anchor general news or host a show or do any of that.' I at first started out doing legal analysis, but I had to make the case to my bosses... give me a shot, give me a chance, and I was able to do that: say, 'Let me fill in. Let me show you my range. Nothing to lose here - it's the holidays.'
I have my phone by my bed - I know everyone says you're supposed to turn it off - and it distorts your sleep, and they're probably right.
I just feel so blessed to have had the time that I had with my mother. She made it so impactful in terms of how she raised me and my little brother, the values that she instilled in us, the way she inspired us, and how she lived her everyday life.
It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman - stay alert and focused on your surroundings. Travel with friends. Know where you are at all times, and never let your guard down.
You've got to be inclusive.
When I left the San Francisco DA's office, I went down to the Los Angeles district attorney's office, and I was able to try a tremendous amount - very serious cases and working in gang neighborhoods, impoverished neighborhoods - really make a difference and be impactful in those communities.
Nobody wants to take a hard look of the entitlement system to see what it is.
No matter what stage of life you are graduating from or entering, learning how to build and state your case is something every person in the world should know how to do.
Advocating for yourself in the context of friendship starts with choosing the right people to be part of your inner circle.
The NYPD, they're the finest in the world.
I love working for Fox News, and I feel like I play for the Yankees every day. I'm with the best lineup in the business.
I enjoyed giving back to the city I was born and raised in.
I've known Roger Ailes for 15 years, and I have been treated with the utmost professionalism and respect.
My point is you've been given a powerful blessing in life in this country to be able to vote and to be able to sit on the jury, so come equipped.
In any situation, it is good to be aware of even your co-workers, and if you are uncomfortable or concerned about a colleague's behavior, report it to a supervisor.
A friend is someone who has your back. Those in the military refer to it as, 'I got your six.' My closest friend on 'The Five' is Dana Perino.
I'm a very fertile Puerto Rican.
Making smart decisions on who to vote for is difficult.
Bob Beckel and Juan Williams are two people who I love personally. But what they say drives me absolutely nuts.
I really saw my mom advocate on my behalf and really say, 'Hey, you're good enough.' It was from her that I learned that just because something hasn't been done before, it doesn't mean it can't be done now. You have to speak up, and you've got to assert yourself because it takes somebody to be the first one to make it happen.
My mother taught me early on not to be afraid to put myself out there - especially as a woman.
Everyone loves to feast their eyes on Times Square on New Year's Eve.
If it's something that you are opposed to or you don't want your children or family to see, then do not watch it, and the market can send a message.
Roger Ailes, he's incredible. He's the one that created 'The Five' and came up with the idea for it.
In that portion of time where my parents were together, I got to see great love, great loyalty, and teamwork.
You really have to prove yourself and prove your worth. I didn't come from family that had been here for generations and had all these connections.
When my mom, Mercedes, and her younger sister, Juanita, first came from Puerto Rico, they were the youngest in the family. They had to jump into a new community and really learn English, assimilate, and adapt - and I saw that. I grew up in that community.
I really feel that I've carried on my mother's legacy.
Talking about the loss of my parents... that was really, really difficult to go through.
The one message I always send to young people is, Don't be afraid to try different things to see what feels right and what's a good fit.
God helps those who help themselves. You have blessings. You have gifts. You have passion. You have drive. Get after it; go in there and do something. Try and make every day count.
Defendants would groan whenever they saw me enter a courtroom because I had a reputation for coming armed with the facts and for winning cases.
The important thing is, you must give back. As good as you've been given, you must do for others as well. Somebody helped you. Who can you help, too?
What I think you need to do is be aware and be your own best advocate. Get on the Internet, do your research, and find a group that you might be able to get involved with.
If I was applying for a legal position, I would highlight my experience working for the San Francisco-L.A. DA's office, and I would mention some of the high-profile cases I did, but if I was looking for another television job, I would gloss over that, and I'd mention the highlight reel of what I did in television.
During the 10 years I worked as a prosecutor, I always struggled with what to do with someone who was clearly mentally ill and committed a horrific crime.
People can smell a fake.
Sadly, as a seasoned prosecutor, I know what dark acts people are capable of.
We cannot turn away because a topic is unpleasant or vile. Why? Because one way to rid our society of evil is to confront it boldly.
Continual, intentional, or snarky putdowns have no place in a healthy relationship.
We can be judged in many ways.
I think it's very insulting to say, 'White people don't understand.' What are you talking about? You're part of the problem then if you're... speaking and labeling all white people, saying they don't understand the issue or saying they can't relate. That's really not giving people much credit, is it?
I wish that young people, most of all, would learn to cut ties with those who make them feel bad about themselves or about the other people they love and care for.
The friends I have from childhood are definitely like family to me - extended sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles.
I knew myself. I knew where I wanted to go in life. I wanted to be the very best I could be in whatever I pursued.
Both sides should demand a speedy trial.
At a very young age, my beloved mother passed away from leukemia, forcing my father to become a single dad. Rather than coddle me, shelter me, or do things for me, he taught me to 'Make the Case' for everything in life - from my first job to a graduation trip I wanted.
It is particularly challenging for women who are trying to stay competitive in a real estate market where men really don't have the same degree of safety concerns.
I think we need to update the existing laws to create uniformity across the states so that all people with mental illness who find themselves in the criminal justice system for committing horrific crimes will be treated exactly the same.
I'm a patriot... Like my late father who came here and served his country as a member of the U.S. Army.
Putting yourself in a position to observe and work with the pros, whether you are paid or not, is key to helping you make the kinds of strides that set you out in front of the pack.
I would be flattered and honored to be considered for any position where I could serve my country.
There's nothing like the feeling of being in Times Square for New Year's Eve. It's such a great rush. You feel like the whole world is there. People from all over the world coming to celebrate together.
I know the Trump family personally, his kids and grandkids, and they're a fantastic family.
Sure, our legal system has its flaws, but it is the best legal system in the world.
I would come here, too. Who doesn't want a free ride? I want to ride in the carnival for free all day long and put my whole family on welfare.
I greatly admire Justice Thomas. I think he is incredible, and he is very humble. He is rarely heard from. But his spoken word is powerful. He's an example of everything that is right about this country, just like with Ben Carson.
I've been in a lot of tough businesses: First Lady of San Fransciso, working as model, actress, TV host. You better have thick skin, for sure, but you also need to laugh at yourself. I make fun of myself all the time.
My second husband, Eric Villency, is the father of my beautiful boy Ronan Anthony. Even though we're divorced, I'm still very close with his family.
I don't mind people writing about me. Personal attacks are different, but political arguments? I'm putting myself out there on a daily basis. I'm giving my opinion. So it only makes sense that others might differ and will criticize me.
It's not just teachers, but coaches are helping to shape the young people of tomorrow.
I think Alzheimer's is an important cause.
I have never done anything in my life that my mother would not have approved of or been proud of.
I believe it is my job to do everything I can so that everyone in our society feels safe, feels that justice is not an abstract concept but a fact of life for all Americans.
I am at the table. I am first generation. I am Irish-Puerto Rican. I am a single mom.
If I see, hear, or experience anything that I feel is inappropriate, you bet I'm going to speak up.
I hold a mini-New Year's Eve party each year with my son Ronan, and we make pigs in a blanket. They are delicious!
The environment at Fox has been very supportive for Mr. Ailes.
Even when people don't stay married, they can still be a family together. That's been something that's been really good for developing me as a person. It's been a very positive learning experience.
I don't always think I am right, not by a long shot, but no one stifles me. When I care deeply about something, you are going to know.
This is a tough business, and you're asked to do a job. And part of doing that job is to rate and to do well and to perform, and at certain points, when people are unable to do the job they're hired to do, what happens is people are let go. Their contract is not renewed.
You move around at Fox depending on where they need you. That's what team players do. You pitch in. You know, you make it work.
I've been around all kinds of people, defense attorneys, working with cops, working with politicians, both sides of the aisle, including Democrats as former first lady of San Francisco, and the Republicans, too, so I've had a front row seat to lots of things in life.
Roger Ailes champions women, whether it's Paula Zahn, who worked for Fox, Greta Van Susteren - we've always had a woman in primetime - Megyn Kelly, myself; I had a primetime show.
'The Five' is so special is because we all have such diverse backgrounds. It's such a nice mix of men, of women, and the variety of where we come from, different walks of life, different occupations, and certainly different viewpoints. That's what makes it so unique.
I like Colbert because he's funny, and he's cool. He knows how to have fun and doesn't stick his nose up to Fox.
I want someone to be able to say, 'I relate to this person on The Five.' You feel like you belong. You kind of feel like it's family. They feel like they know us because we reveal so much about ourselves on the show.
I think Dr. King, if he were alive today, he wouldn't disrespect the flag or the anthem; he would use his words and his voice to send a message for positive change.
There is room for growth in all of us and across all of these platforms, to be able to make sure that we are hearing each other, that we are understanding exactly what's going on across the country.
I can never resist the good stuff: salami, pepperoni, you name it. I love it all.
You have women that are political commentators that are talking about the elections, talking about the news of the day, and really helping shape how information is disseminated. I feel we're reaching a whole new audience, which is great to be able to bring in and encourage other young women to do this.