Heresy Quotes
What is the first thought that goes through your mind when you hear the word heresy? It could be the torture rooms of the medieval times where the church used to conduct trials against heresy. If you aren't that much into heresy, you might have known it to be a bad thing. According to a few dictionaries, it is defined as the act of developing religious beliefs which contradict the teachings of the church. It could also be defined simply as diverging from an age old theory, custom or practice. It is usually used in accordance with religion. For example, any practice contradicting the church’s beliefs are said to be heretical.
It is like the other side of the coin where few people refuse to follow the dominant religious beliefs. The basic opinion of these heretical people is that they always try to challenge the position of a church or any other religious institution. According to a few surveys, the non-heretical people also believe that the church’s parameters to judge a belief or practice are too outdated. These heretics and their thoughts are often seen as the darker side of the society and usually tend to be unacceptable. Do yourself a favor by reading a whole lot of famous quotations and sayings on dissent and heresy.