Grace Kelly Quotes

I don't like yelling and fighting, and I can't quarrel.
The freedom of the press works in such a way that there is not much freedom from it.
Getting angry doesn't solve anything.
I certainly don't think of my life as a fairy tale. I think of myself as a modern, contemporary woman who has had to deal with all kinds of problems that many women today have to deal with.
I never really liked Hollywood. I found it unreal - unreal and full of men and women whose lives were confused and full of pain.
Women's natural role is to be a pillar of the family.
For a woman, forty is torture, the end.
Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery.
Other women looked on me as a rival. And it pained me a great deal.
Home is here in Philadelphia. I never like to be away too long.
As an unmarried woman, I was thought to be a danger.
My husband is a good father, concerned about his children.
My husband often remarked what a pity it was that a great country like America, which in Europe is still regarded as such a young nation, should be represented seemingly only by old or infirm men.
I walk an hour almost every day - and very quickly - wherever I am. Sometimes I go on long, all-day hikes with friends.
We just don't like the idea of turning the children over to nannies and minders. We like to help them ourselves - and then, of course, we know what to tell them when they ought to do something on their own.
Ingrid Bergman made an enormous impression on me. I couldn't imagine where that kind of acting talent came from.
I don't want to be married to someone who feels inferior to my success or because I make more money than he does.
The women here in Monaco don't like me, and so I have to watch everything I say and everything I do because they're so critical.
If I'd met the prince two or three years earlier, perhaps I might not have married him - at least not so soon. But we came together at the right time.
I was constantly falling in love, and it never occurred to me that this was wrong or bad.
Some day, I'm going to get married, and I'll want to tell my children I was in Africa on a safari.
I don't want to be a personality.
I did enjoy and take pride in my work as an actress, yet I'm bemused by suppositions that my life since has somehow been less fulfilling. That certainly is not the case. Rather the reverse.
If anybody starts using me as scenery, I'll return to New York.
I don't want to dress up a picture with just my face.