Fall Quotes
As author Flavia Weedn says, “If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.” Ups and downs are a part of every person’s life. All of us go through good times and bad times. Certain moments come in life, when our dreams may fall and break. But one should not get carried away by it. We just need to be more optimistic about the situation. Every time we fall, it’s our responsibility to rise again and fight.
Even people who are perceived to be immensely successful and are role models to many, claim they have tasted failure and have rock bottom at some point of their lives. It’s a common problem with us that if we fall multiple times, we start to lose our confidence and tend to conclude that we have failed in life. However, the fall shouldn't dampen our spirits. We must be relentless in our approach and continue the journey towards our destination. We just need to introspect the reason behind the fall and try rising with a ROAR. If you need some inspiration, read on for some motivational fall quotes.