Emo Philips Quotes

Born On
1956-02-07Birth Place
ChicagoBirth Sign
Judy Tenuta, Carmi Soltanek, Kipleigh BrownNationality
AmericanStand-up comedian Emo Philips has an uncanny ability to draw uproars of laughter when asked about the ‘worst’ situations he has faced in life. He was once asked about the worst job he had ever been employed in. He recounted the time he had been hired by a local Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet at the age of sixteen. His workload included cleaning up the kitchen at the back for the lowest possible wages. However, the perk of the job was that Philips got to eat as much chicken as he could. On the first night, his boss pushed him harder to put in some muscle into the cleaning. Though the lanky Emo tried his best, the cranky boss just wasn’t happy with his effort and proceeded to fire the young boy. However, the entertainer claims that the quantity of chicken he lugged back home was more than he could have ever afforded with his meagre salary. He’s also thankful that he lost the job or else he would have gained so much weight that he wouldn’t have been able to move.
Another question that garnered a similar sad yet humorous response was about the worst living conditions he has ever faced. Emo went on to describe the time he was being housed at an acquaintance’s place. The friend had three pet rats in the other room, and Philips gradually began falling terribly sick, with his asthma worsening by the day. But that wasn’t enough, as he says, “And then noisy roommates. And then people having sex next to you. And then people having sex next to you in another room.”