Capitalism Quotes
Capitalism is arguably the most successful economic policy of our times and this is also the policy that the developed world swears by. To define it in the simplest way, Capitalism is a system where enterprises or businesses are owned by private individuals and little government interference. It is also understood by many as investment of money and goods by individuals to gain huge amounts of profit. Several nations, governed by ideologies of communism, oppose such a system because they feel capitalism thinks very little of the welfare of the society as a whole. Many also criticize capitalism for paving way for economic inequality. In layman's words, the rich get richer and poor, poorer.
Despite all the criticism it faces, capitalism has its own benefits. The countries following this policy are rather liberal and give a lot of importance to freedom of speech. In capitalistic economies, an individual is respected and gratified financially for his work and performance unlike other economies, which are more based on altruism. Capitalism is an economic freedom which helps political freedom, increases the efficiency and helps in economic growth. Although capitalism is generally considered good, many feel that it results in monopoly which could be harmful to the society on the long run. Read these capitalism quotes to get a clear insight.