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Basketball Quotes

Basketball is undoubtedly one of the world's most popular sports today. There seems to be something magical about watching lanky players twisting, turning, and contorting in their fight to get the ball into the basket. An effective team game, basketball can test the very limit of human endurance. This game first came into existence in 1891 in the US state of Massachusetts, and it would be interesting to know that the hoops at that time were actually just peach baskets. This game later on became an official Olympic event  at the Summer Games held in Berlin, Germany, way back in 1936.

It is credited as the national game in the countries of Lithuania and Georgia. The game requires strategy, coordination, boundless stamina, skills and the spirit of a fighter. Over the years, several players have created unbelievable records in their basketball careers, for instance, the legendary Michael Jordan made headlines for scoring approximately 5,987 points in the playoffs. Another one was from Wilt Chamberlain, who scored 100 points in a single game back in 1962. The ability of such players to turn even an ordinary game into a nail-biting thriller is probably why millions adore basketball.  No wonder this sport has given the world numerous role models who have won millions of hearts by their grit and determination. Read these famous basketball quotations & sayings to get inspired.