Amy Winehouse Quotes

Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
I would say that jazz is my own language.
I don't regret anything.
There's no point in saying anything but the truth.
Cause I'm a musician, I'm not really good at posing and being a model, like, modeling.
Life's short. Anything could happen, and it usually does, so there is no point in sitting around thinking about all the ifs, ands and buts.
Some men do think I'm a psycho bunny-boiler.
I don't think your ability to fight has anything to do with how big you are. It's to do with how much anger is in you.
I fall in love every day. Not with people but with situations.
I know I'm talented, but I wasn't put here to sing. I was put here to be a wife and a mom and look after my family. I love what I do, but it's not where it begins and ends.
Since I was 16, I've felt a black cloud hangs over me. Since then, I have taken pills for depression.
If I died tomorrow, I would be a happy girl.
I would love to study guitar or trumpet.
My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they're going to do for the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I just spend drinking.
Girls talk to each other like men talk to each other. But girls have an eye for detail.
I'm not frightened of appearing vulnerable.
I saw a picture of myself when I came out of the hospital. I didn't recognize myself.
I like pin-up girls. I'm more of a boy than a girl. I'm not a lesbian, though - not before a sambuca anyway.
I'm of the school of thought where, if you can't sort something out for yourself, no one can help you. Rehab is great for some people but not others.
Now I think that going to the gym is the best drug. I go four times a week and it gives me the buzz I need.
I write songs about stuff that I can't really get past personally - and then I write a song about it and I feel better.
If I heard someone else singing like me, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
I was hit by a car once on my bike, but I still rode home.
If you play an instrument, it makes you a better singer. The more you play, the better you sing, the more you sing, the better you play.
I really started writing music to challenge myself, to see what I could write.
Having listened to great songwriters like James Taylor and Carole King, I felt there was nothing new that was coming out that really represented me and the way I felt. So I started writing my own stuff.
I'm happiest with my family around me.
When I'm nervous, I stutter, and I had to keep stopping and starting.
I'm my own worst critic, and if I don't pull off what I think I wanted to do in my head, then I won't be a happy girl.
I always wrote poetry and stuff like that, so putting songs together wasn't that spectacular.
I do suffer from depression, I suppose. Which isn't that unusual. You know, a lot of people do.
I really thought I was on the way out. My husband Blake saved my life. Often I don't know what I do, then the next day the memory returns. And then I am engulfed in shame.
I don't listen to a lot of new stuff. I just like the old stuff. It's all quite dramatic and atmospheric. You'd have an entire story in song. I never listen to, like, white music - I couldn't sing you a Zeppelin or Floyd song.
I'm such a kid at heart.
My husband is everything to me and without him it's just not the same.
I just like tattoos.
The jazz I love is sweet and pure with raw elements, which is exactly what the good hip-hop is doing now.
I'm not a natural born performer.
If you're nice to me I'll never write anything bad about you.
I wouldn't say I'm a feminist, but I don't like girls pretending to be stupid because it's easier.
I've always been a little homemaker.
I'm very loyal.
Yes, I'm still going to misbehave!
To be honest, I think kids have got a lot more going on than adults. They've got their heads screwed on a lot better.
Yeah, I'm an open book.
All the songs I write are about human dynamics, whether it's with girlfriends, boyfriends, or family.
I've had everything pierced at some point.
I was gutted to leave my boyfriend at home when I started my tour, but taking my pillow was like taking a little bit of him with me.
I just dress like... I'm an old black man. Sorry! Like I'm an old Jewish black man. I just dress like it's still the '50s.
My parents pretty much realized that I would do whatever I wanted, and that was it, really.
I don't have emotional needs, only physical ones.
I want at least five kids. I want twins.
I'm lucky because I do get to fly first-class now.
I can express myself.
I didn't think it was special to be able to sing.
I listen to music that is of our time and I just get angry.
Basically, I live to do gigs.
You know how you either grow up in a Michael Jackson house or a Prince house? For me it was Michael Jackson. I could never decide whether I wanted to be Michael Jackson or marry him.
Women don't try to use me.
I've never been a boyfriend kind of girl.
I made an album I'm very proud of, and that's about it.
I can play a lot of different instruments adequately but nothing really well.
I love America, it's a much more permissive place.
I look after people.
I'm always happy to blow up any misconceptions that people have about stage school cos everyone thinks it's really nasty there but it's not.
Some people reckoned that I looked healthier when I was bigger but I had terrible skin and no energy.
Here in England, everyone's a pop star, innit, whereas in America they believe in the term artist.
I'm of the school of thought where if you can't sort something out for yourself then no one can help you.
I read a lot when I'm travelling and always have a couple of books on the go.
I've got a crush on my backing singer.
I don't think I'm such an amazing person who needs to be written about.
I'm ugly.
I don't even have a TV.
I'm not very ambitious at all.
I love food.
I can be a cruel person.
Since I was 16, I've felt a black cloud hangs over me.
I'm much healthier now.
When you're around kids you can be a little kid yourself and pretend that life is magic and you don't have to be one of those sweaty people going to work every day.