Saint Augustine Quotes

Born On
0354-11-13Died On
0430-08-28Birth Place
Thagaste, Numidia (now Souk Ahras, Algeria)Death Place
Hippo Regius, Numidia (now modern-day Annaba, Algeria)Birth Sign
Patricius AureliusMother
Saint MonicaNationality
Ancient RomanSaint Augustine described his quest to find God in his autobiography titled, ‘Confessions’, where he admitted to having committed several petty sins. Despite the fact that his mother was an ardent Christian, Augustine most likely took after his heathen father, Patricius. One day, at church, while he was praying for forgiveness for all his misdeeds, Augustine suddenly heard a child’s voice urging him to, “Take up and read”.
Immediately, Augustine opened the Bible and read the first page that caught his eyes. The lines told him to give up all his sins and turn over a new leaf. Immediately, the young man changed his ways, donated all his wealth, regularly prayed and got baptized on Easter. Then one day in 391, the now pious man travelled to Hippo, where the bishop, Valerius was discussing how the city had a dearth of priests. Immediately the listeners started advocating for the appointment of Augustine as their priest. When Valerius passed away, Augustine took up the position as the bishop, and in this capacity, he did away with misleading religious sermons, and showed compassion towards the underprivileged and the ailing. He also ensured that the naïve were sheltered from the conniving. More so, with each passing day, his love for God seemed to grow and he confessed, “You have made us, O God, for yourself, and our hearts shall find no rest until they rest in you.”